Free social media

That is, mercy

 We follow on social media those who cry over the death of a cat and the death of a donkey

They scream loudly: Why was this dog killed and why was this donkey killed? Tears are streaming down. Do you think they are heartless

On the contrary, their hearts are very delicate and sensitive, and I wish we were like them

Do you expect more people to be honest with this crying over these animals?

There are people who die, but these hearts and eyes that shed tears over the death of animals do not exist, crying and crying over them. Are they human or not?

Whether he is alive or not

What do these people’s hearts say? Or do they seek the death of animals and humans? No

The American people are very sensitive

I assume that you do not have an answer to the end of personal freedom to say that it is racist

We leave to you the freedom of opinion and expression, O people who are advanced in their knowledge, morals, and morals

Last but not least, enough of it. Social media is fake and not real, but deceitful, cheating, and a liar
You are a kind of compassionate heart, where is the place of children in your hearts, O world of evolution?

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